ANIMALS *Bats!! Float: 2 bats. Background: cave with bats. A. *Bosdieren. Float: deer. Background: woods with animals. A. *Dinosaurs. Float: dinosauur. Foreground: plant. background: dinosaurs in prehostoric landscape. A. *I love cats. Float: cat with ball of wool. Background: livingroom with 6 cats. A. *I love cows. Float: cow. Background: cows in a meadow, farms. A. *I love dogs wov wov wov. Float: dog. Background: dogs, meadow, flowers. A. *I love horses. Float: black horse. background: horses in meadow. In front: 2 horses. A. *Insects. Float: scorpion. Background: forest with various insects. A. *Koala. Float: koala bear. Background: forest. A. *None (keyring). Float: glitter. Background: clear with penguin. No Eskesen. *None (keyring). Float: glitter. Background: clear with dolphin. No Eskesen. *None (keyring). Float: glitter + butterfly. Background: clear. No Eskesen. *None (keyring). Float: glitter + butterfly. Background: clear. No Eskesen. *None. (keyring). Float: glitter + butterfly. Background: clear. No Eskesen. *None. Bo Bendixen: cats). 4 cats in clear barrel. B. *Orca. Float: orca. Background: 2 orca's in the ocean. A. *Penguins. Float: swimming penguin. Background: water, landscape, boat, penguins. A. *Poison Dart Frogs. Float: Frog. Background: underwater landscape with frogs. A. *Potvis. Float: sperm-whale. Background: sea, island. A. *Protegeons la Mer! Float: 2 dolphins. Background: various kind of fishes. B. *Sharks. Float: shark. Background: water landscape, shark, fishes. A. *Spiders. Float: spider. Background: spiders in webs. A. *Tigers. Float: tiger. Background: jungle with tigers. A. *Tauchen. Float: shark. Foreground: plants and stafishes. Background: seabottom with plants, starfishes and other kind of fish. A. VARIOUS ITEMS *AbvA. Float: letters 'AbvA'. Clear barrel. A. *(Adult swim). Float: cuttlefish in swimmingbelt. Background: swimmingpool + text: Aqua Ben Runger Force. A. *(Adult swim). Float: man diving. background: water, man, woman + text: sealab 2021. A. *Baseball Baseball Baseball. Float: baseballplayer with ball. Background: baseball player with public. Modell: baseballbat. *BC ferries. Float: ferryboat. Foreground: dolphin + trees. Background: water + mountains. A. *Bergen Line Newcastle - Amsterdam - Hamburg. Float: ship. Background: sea with clouds, lines from Bergen to Newcastle, Amsterdam annd Hambrug, sign 'B bergen line'. AA. *BI ss. Ugand. Float: ship. Background: sea + clifs. A. *Bizet Carmen. Float: woman in costume, dancing. Foreground: dancer in costume. background: man with knife. B. *Blake & Adam. Float: man and woman in car - bride and bridegroom. Background: lighthouse, church, house, lake. A. *Bonnet Rouge Force Sante. Float: tin Bonnet Rouge. Conseal/reveal. *Bugatti. Float: old car. Foreground: trees. Background: hills. B. *Capstar (nitenpyram). Float: dog. . Background: sign with text 'Capstar (nitenpyram)' + blue. B. *Car Care Central.com. Float: car driving in the car wash durty and coming out clean. Foreground: wall with the words 'car wash' on it and man cleaning the car. Background: trees. B. *Coca Cola. Float: Coca Cola bottle. Background: None. B. No Eskesen. (Coca Cola) A legend is back the original Georgia green bottle. Schutzmarken. Koffeinhaltig. Conseal/reveal. texs as mentioned + Coca Cola bottle. C. *Daniel and the lion's den. Float: lion. Background: Daniel and the lions. B. *Daavid & Goliath. FLoat: stone. Foreground: David. Background: Goliath + army. B. *Die glücklichen Eltern Kristiana Becker Frank Seybold. Float: sstork + text 'Anna'. Background: rabit, sheep, basket with baby. A. *Die Mauer von Jerich Josua 6. El Muro de Jeroco Josue 6. La muraille de Jericho Josue 6. FLoat: priests blowing their horns. Background: Israelienarmy + walls of Jerocho tumbling down. A. *Drive. Float: 4 cycle-racers. Background: Arc de Triomph + Eiffel Tower Paris. A. *Drive In. Float: (moviescreen with) woman running away for monster. Foreground: sign with text 'Drive In double feature + cars + snackbar. Conseal/reveal. *Dujardin vieux. Float: cognac flowing from glass to bottle. Conseal/receal. *Duracell alkaline battery Duracell Power Check. Duracell mn1500 1,5 volts size AA battery. Press dots to test +. Float: Power Check. Conseal/reveal.
*Ecomuse d'Alsace BP 71-F68190 Ungersheim Tel. 03 89 74 44 74 - Fax 03 89 74 44 65. Float: stork with a frog on it's back. Background: 4 farmhouses and meadow. A. *Eskesen. Float: 1991. Background: eskesen bros company ltd a/s. welcome bienvenue welkommen wilkommen. Conseal/reveal. *Eskesen Tel., fax, email and website adresses of Eskesen. Float: 4 pens. Background: Eskie in baloon, globe. B. *Eskesen Collectors United + names of collectors. Float: 4 float pens. Background: Eskie in baloon, glove, pens. A. *Esso. Float: essoman in clear barrel, with metal point. A. *Europe. Float: man with European flag. Background: flags of European countries. A. *Europe. Float: European flag. Background: buildings of the European Parlement. A. *European Collectors 2000 + names of collectors. Float: 4 European flags. Background: Eskie on globe, 2000. A. *Euro Service + sign UPS. Float: car. background: buildings: Big Ben, Eiffel tower, mill, church, tower of Pisa, church. A. *Exforge amlodipine besylate / volsorton. Float: man in canoe. Background water. B. *Fuji film Professional Motion Picture Films. Float: camera + 3 people. Background: sea + mountain. A. *The "Fun Ship" Ecstasy. Float: ship. Background: sea and tropical beach. A. *Glaedeligjul + Merry Christmas in totally 10 languages. (Eskesen Christmaspen 2002). Float: gnome, pulling a sledge with a pachige and a bear on it. Background: snowlandscape with cottage. B. *Happy Valentine. Float: heart. Background; sky with stars + couple sitting on the moon. B. *Honeywell The Unlimited Partnership. Float: airplane. background: mountains. A-E. *I love you. Float: hearts + red glitter. Clear barrel. B. *It's got to be Rainbow. Float: tin of Rainbow banana flavoured milk drink / tin of Rainbow leche evaporada full cream evaporated milk. pasteurizada - pasteur: I & D. Conseal/reveal. *Jonah and the whale. Float: Jonah and the wahle. Background: sea. B. *Lexington cigarettes from America's best tabaccos (pencil). Float: dog (Lexi) with ball. Background: soccer stadion + soccergame. A. *Live only love for that is what you are. Float: rose. Background: hand, 2 hearts. A. *llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwlllltysiliogogogoch Church mary a hallow white hazel near to the rapid whirpool church saint's name cave red. Float; old train. Background: railway station. A. *Mahfou Zanat France + Miranda Wittebol Netherlands + Christian Andres germany + Finn Sorensen Danmark + pictures of them. Float: Eskie. Background: stars of Europe + Euro sign + text 'Eoropean Collectors I love S.I.M.S. 2002'. A. *Marnella Back etc. (names of Dutch collectors). Float: Eskie on woodenshoes with float pen. Background: tulipfields, windmills. A. *Martini timer. Float: olives. Foreground: hand. Background: sky with stars and clouds. B. *Merry Christmas. Float: Eskie snowman. Background: chimney, roof, windom of a house. A. *Merry Christmas (Eskesen Christmas floaty 2003). Float: Santa Claus insledge with deer. Background: snowcovered roofs of houses. A. *Merry Christmas (Eskesen Christmas floaty 2004). Float: Eskesen vignette. Foreground: mouse washing the laundry. Background: goblin with socks in his hand + line with socks. A. *Merry Christmas (Toothbrush). Float: Santa Claus in sledge + deer. Foreground: snowcovered roofs. background: dark sky + roofs and snow. *Millennium 2000 A celebration of the past, present and future. Float: dragon. Foreground: 2000. Background: fireworks. A. *Morcon container repair devision. Float: container / container in backside of a truck. Conseal/reveal.
*Mozart Bach Beethoven Schubert Chopin Tchaaikovsky (names + portraits). Float: 2 hands playing the piano. Background: tests of a piano. B. *Nestlé Gervais Kou Kou Lina. Float: text "Nestlé gervais Kou Kou Lina + blue glitterstars. Clear barrel. Made in Italy. *Nintendo. Float: nintendo + glitter. Background: silver + text 'Gameboy advance SP'. A. *Nissan. Float: Nissan car. background: blue sky. B-metal point-Eskesen? *Nitromors force 15. Float: screwdriver. Conseal/reveal. C.(new clip) *Noah's Ark. Float: pigeon. Background: Ark driving on the water. A. *None (Princess + frogs). Float: frog + prince. Background: hearts. Foreground: princess kissing frog + sign: You have to kiss a lot of frogs. Design Jack Keely. A. *None. Float: shells + glitter stones. Clear barrel + dolphin. No Eskesen. *None. Float: hand (playing the bass). Background: other hand playing the bass. A. *None. Float: 2 dolphins + glitter. Clear barrel. No Eskesen * None. Float: fish + glitter. Clear barrel. No Eskesen.
*None. Float: 2 fishes. Clear barrel with blue glitter. No Eskesen *None. Float: bleu glitter with colored hearts. Clear barrel. No Eskesen *None. Float: red glitter with hearts. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. *None (toothbrush). Float: 3 green dolphins + green stars. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. *None. Glitter pen, clear barrel. No Eskesen. *None (keyring). Float: 10 stones. Clear barrel. *None. Float: Newlyweds in car with sign 'Just married' on it. Background: sun, moon, stars, sign 'honeymoon'. A. Design Jack Keely. *None. Float: 3 european coins (Euro). Background: new European money (Eurobills) A. *None. Float: 5 shells + blue glitter. Clear barrel. made in Italy. *None. Float: 6 shells + blue glitter. Clear barrel. Made in Italy. *None. Float: glitters + 3 shells. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. *None. Float: car with Sisi on it. Background: none, totally clear. A. *None. Glitterpen, clear barrel. Made in China. *None. Float: 2 leaves + glitters. Clear barrel. Made in Italy. *None. Float: Prittpin as the figure of a man. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. *None. Float: blue glitter + 3 shells + little dolphins. Clear barrel. Made in Italy. *None. Float: blue glitter and penguin. Clear barrel. No Eskesen *None. Float: 4 hoursands. Background: hoursands. No Eskesen *None. Float: blue glitter + ?. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. Pen looks like a dolphin. *None (spoon). Float: 3 shells, dolphins, stars, hearts, blue glitter. Clear barrel. No Eskesen.
*None. Float: runner and prehistoric man. Background: dinosaur, mammoth, pyramid, Trojan horse, painting, knight on horse, Viking ship, castle, modern houses, space ship. B. *None (3 Tigers, Bo Bendixen). Float: 3 tigers. Clear barrel. B. *OXYTROL Oxybutynin Transdermal System. Float: text: OXYTROL Oxybutynin Transdermal System. Background: green. B. *Reductil sibutramine. Float: man and woman. Foreground: sign: Reductil sibutramine. Background: blue. A. *Remestan Wyet. Float: meteoor. Foreground: Moon and Sun. Background: sky. A. *Renault. Float: truck. Background: hills, sky. A. *R.M.S> Titanic april 14,1912. Float: lifeboat. Background: rocks, lifeboat, ship The Titanic. A. *The Sacred Hearts "holy, holy, holy". Conseal/reveal. Jesus + Mother Mary. *Santa Claus House North Pole Alaska. Float: Santa Claus in sledge with deer. Background: house in the snow, Santa Claus, sledge, presents. B. *Scan Modul System + tel.nrs. in various countries + text logistical system and products for hospital material management. Float: 2 nurses with handcarts. Background: woman in hospitalbed, cabinets, desk with computer. B. *Senekot - S tablets. When the R may constipate. (letteropener). Float: pills. Background: blue lines. *Skateboard (repeated in graffiti style font). Float: young man on skateboard. Background: skateboarders and variuous text "skateboard" in graffiti style. A. Design Jack Keely. *Sony Creative Products Inc. popgarde. Float: caterpilar. Background: flowers + c 2003 Mika Ninagawa. A. *Spee (Fountainpen) Float: fox. background: Speeproducts. *s/s Atlantic home lines (Keyring). Float: ship. Background: sea, clouds with the sun shining through. *Stars. Float: helicopter. background: snowcovered mountains. B. *Statoil. Float: car. background: gassstation. B. *Susannah & Mark get married Yerba Buerna Island October 24, 1998. Float: car with bridal couple. Background: river, bridge, view in city. A. *They shall mount up with wings as eagles... Isaiah 40:31. Float: eagle. Background: some eagles and mountains. B. *Toyota. Float: sewingmachine. background: Toyota factory? A. *Vincent. Float: flowers. Background: vase with flowers. A. *Vita (+ sign 'Mercedes Benz'). Float: car. Background: clear barrel. A. *Webvan.com. Float: man delivering a package on a handtruck. Background: truck with text 'Webva' on it. Picture with man, woman, boy and girl. Text 'You may never go to the grocery store again'. B. *Welcome to the world. Float: baby. Background: mother on delivery table and father with open arms. Baby floating between them. A. *Zodiac. Aries. Innovative-pioneer and leader 21.03-20.04. Float: aries. Background orange, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Taurus. Charming, graceful and hard working. 21.04-21.05. Float: bull. Background: hill, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Gemini. Creative, open, resourceful and witty. 22.05-21.06. Float: twins. Background: green, flowers. B. *Zodia. Cancer. Caring, nurturing and loyal. 22.06-22.07. Float: lobster. Background: beach, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Leo. Creative, dramatic, adventurous and leader. 23.07-23.08. Float: lion. Background: flowers. B. *Zodiac. Virgo. Passionate, devoted to duty and service. 24.08-23.09. Float: woman. Background: blue, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Libra. Harmonious, fair and well balanced. 24.09-23.10. Float: libra. Background: blue, white flowers. B. *Zodiac. Scorpio. Powerful, passionate, fierce competitor. 24.10-22.11. Float: scorpio. Background: yellow, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Sagittarius. Adventurous, curious and a free spirit. 23.11-21.12. Float: crossbow. Background: yellow, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Capricorn. Ambitious, steadfast builders. 22.12-20.01. Float: capricorn. Background: green, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Aquarius. Inventive, openminded and lover. 21.01-18.02. Float: vase poring water. Background: pont, flowers. B. *Zodiac. Pisces. Intuitive, artistic, compassionate and affectionate. 19.02-20.03. Float: pisces. Background: blue, flowers. B. OTHER KIND OF FLOAT PENS *None (bottle opener). Float: dolphin. Clear barrel with white and blue oil. No Eskesen. *None (fork). Float: 3 shells, dolphins, stars, hearts, blue glitter. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. * None. Float: fish + glitter. Clear barrel. No Eskesen. *Mose Moise Moses Moisés Mozez. Float: Mose as a baby in basket. Background: His mother and sister near the river Nile. B. *Mose Moise Moses Moisés Mozez (with ruler). Float: Mose as a baby in basket. Background: His mother and sister near the river Nile. A. *Duracell alkaline battery Duracell Power Check. Duracell mn1500 1,5 volts size AA battery. Press dots to test +. (Keyring). Float: Power Check. Conseal/reveal. MY OWN COLLECTION OF FLOAT PENS VARIOUS ITEMS CONTENTS: ANIMALS VARIOUS ITEMS OTHER KIND OF FLOAT PENS A = Classic Twist Pen Big AA = Classic Twist Pen Small B = Twist and Click Pen C = Click-Top Pen D = Classic Twist Pen Small * = Caption If not mentioned otherwise, all pens are made by Eskesen of Denmark. Eigene Webseite erstellen bei Beepworld Verantwortlich für den Inhalt dieser Seite ist ausschließlich der Autor dieser Homepage, kontaktierbar über dieses Formular! |